Tau Kappa Epsilon (Kappa Chapter)

Culture, Light, and Truth


Tau Kappa Epsilon (TKE) is an international chapter which currently consists of over 250 chapters between the United States and Canada. TKE has the most active chapters of any other fraternity in the United States.

Apollo, the god of music, culture, light, and truth, is the patron god of TKE and embodies all of the ideals toward which the members strive to attain.

Beloit College houses the Kappa (or tenth) chapter of TKE. The chapter makes many contributions to the Beloit College community, and even the city of Beloit. Among other things, the Kappa chapter raises hundreds of dollars each year to be donated to St. Jude’s Children’s Research Hospital by hosting various fundraising events.

TKE requires each of its members to give back to the community by doing 10 hours of community service, and encourages academic excellence by requiring its members to partake in study hours each week.


Position Name
Student Emrys Michael Kershis Draper (draperem@madorders.com)
Advisor Pablo Toral (toralp@madorders.com)

Last modified

Nov. 28th, 2023 at 4:01pm

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